Monday, August 10, 2009

Louder Than Words TV

I'm going to be posting live video chats on my blog this week from authors of a new teen series, Louder Than Words, published by HCI Books. Teen authors Marni Bates, Emily Smucker, Chelsey Shannon, and series editor Deborah Reber, will videochat live on the blog August 10-14, from 8-9 p.m. Eastern Time. They'll answer questions on subjects such as overcoming problems with siblings, schoolmates, health issues, mental health issues -- even the death of a parent -- plus talk about writing books and getting published.

I missed the first one tonight, but will have all the others up for you the rest of the week.  Here's the chat link. Make sure to come back the rest of the week at 8 PM, EST and check out the chat.

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