...for the little piece of awesomeness that was left at my gate today while I was at work!!!
Isn't it beautiful? That's just the packaging...they went all out! Here's what I found when I opened it up:

I was flabbergasted! What a brilliant display of a wonderful book. I just don't really have the words to put together to truly explain my feelings about this. Only once before have I received an ARC packaged so exquisitely. Simon & Schuster are doing their best to promote, promote, promote and make sure this one gets out there and gets read. Included in the box is an ARC of
Wither, a promotional post card, a letter from Justin Chanda, VP/Publisher for S&S Books for Young Readers, and a tube of June Beans, A.K.A. chocolate covered sunflower seeds. I just have to say, they are yummy; I've been eating them as I type this.
I just had to share this with you, my readers. Look for a review to come soon, as this one releases next month! Thank you again Simon & Schuster; you can send mail to my house anytime!!!
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I've heard this book is wonderful! I hope you enjoy it!
What a fun surprise!
wow that's awesome!! how fun!
Wow! That really is great packaging. I've never had chocolate covered sunflower seeds, and now I want some!
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