Monday, January 5, 2009

More Book Challenges to Join

I said, to myself, that I wasn't going to join anymore book challenges because I didn't want to overwhelm myself, but these are just too good and fit in with the books I have and love to read, to pass up.

Becky at Young Readers is hosting the Young Readers Challenge 2009.  Here are the details:

Read 12 children's books in 2009.  'Children's books' are defined as anything written to be read (or read aloud) to children 12 and under.  Examples of children's books are: board books, picture books, early readers, chapter books.  No list is required. If you choose to post one, you can change it as needed. But it isn't required at all.  Audio books work.  Rereads are acceptable, but try to mix it up old and new if you can.  Overlaps with other challenges are acceptable.  You may consider yourself 'finished' with the challenge if/when you complete the twelfth book. (You could finish it January if you're ambitious. But there is no requirement to read one book per month all year long.) If you want to keep going past twelve books, that's fine. I won't stop you!
As a teacher, my first love is children's books, so joining this one was a "no-brainer."

Sheri at A Novel Menagerie is hosting the Just For the Love Of It Challenge.  Click on the link for this one; it's different, so look out!  I just couldn't turn down my blogging buddy Sheri when she started this one.

Finally, is the TBR Reading Challenge, which has it's own blog.  This is my chance to get through the ever-growing TBR pile that I have thanks to this blog.

I will be posting lists for these later, so look for more to come concerning all the challenges I will be involved in this year.


ANovelMenagerie said...

Love Love Love you!

I've become a follower and have subscribed to your new feed on blogger.

I just love your work!

Thanks for joining the reading challenge!

smariek said...

I haven't joined any reading challenges because I am such a slow reader, and my reading time became more limited ever since DD was born. But I know I can do the Young Readers Challenge! I read more than 12 books to my 3 yr old in one month.

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